
Various Beige Color Options for Various Rooms

October 2, 2019

Maybe not everyone is familiar with the term beige color. But if you say cream, khaki, milk chocolate, you must know. All of these colors can be classified as variations of the beige color, although the designations are different.

Beige, including a neutral color which is a favorite to be applied to residential walls, either for interior and exterior. The impression shown from these shades is shady and comfortable – suitable for dwellings in big cities where citizens are vulnerable to stress. Returning to the house was greeted by shady colors such as beige able to relieve tension and provide a calming effect.

In addition, beige is timeless and flexible. Neutral beige also frees us to add more colors, patterns or textures to the room, which makes the decoration more diverse. You can choose the right solid color matching according to the function and decoration of the room which has been painted beige.

Beige with a warm yellowish feel and suitable to be combined with light blue or dark blue. Lighter Beige can be combined with dark green or vanished green. You can apply this color to the family room or living room where you and your family usually gather for a warm and intimate atmosphere. You can apply matching colors on the sofa, carpet, or cushion.


cat dinding begie padu sofa biru

blue sofa is very suitable for beige living room

For the bedroom, apply a light beige color, and match it with bright white. White accents make the beige look brighter, but still soft and soothing. In the bedroom, the combination of these two colors makes the atmosphere more relaxed sleep, but still can encourage you to move the next morning.

In the kitchen or dining room area, use beige with a brownish beige like the color of a creamy coffee latte. It would be more beautiful if you match with wood nuanced furniture. The atmosphere of dining with family and guests also become more warm and full of intimacy.

Beige color can also be applied to the bathroom. Combine with a little rose gold or pale pink for a luxurious impression. But if you feel the color palette is less masculine, you can play with textures or materials. Choose natural stone, ceramic, or wood that is painted in color to accent your bathroom. Coat wood material with Glotex Super Synthetic Paint (SSP) which is wood and iron paint.


cat dinding warna begie kamar mandi

Begie color combination and a touch of rose gold for the bathroom.

Are you a professional who has his own office? Beige like the color of beach sand you can use on the walls of your office. Combine with copper decorative accessories to create a firm and official impression, but still relaxed and not intimidating. For employee desks and chairs, you can use wood made from real wood colored mdf, which matches the color of the walls.

Beige is a very flexible color and can be applied in various interior spaces. In fact, beige is also beautiful to choose as an exterior color. So that your house looks beautiful and fresh, choose a beige color that tends to yellow for the outer walls of your home. This color can blend well with the trees around the house, but enough to make your house appear more prominent among neighboring houses. Make sure you use a special high-quality exterior paint such as Metrolite Weatherseal so that your outer walls are kept in color.

cat eksterior warna begie

beige color also pretty for the exterior

Good luck to apply beige in your home or office. Don’t forget to always use paint products from Pacific Paint for the beauty and durability of the variety of colors you choose. Share photos of rooms that have been painted beige in your social media accounts and tag or mention Instagram accounts @pacificpaintindonesia or Facebook Pacific Paint Indonesia and also Twitter @Ppf_Indonesia

Regards Colorful!

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