
An Optimistic Touch of Yellow Color

October 8, 2019

Not many people who dare to use yellow as the color of the walls of the house because it is considered too bright and difficult to combine with the color of furniture and other room contents. Though it is not necessary to apply it dominantly, but give a touch of yellow in the interior decoration elements so that it will give a strong impression in the room.
In recent years, the use of yellow color is quite popular especially among young family couples who like minimalist designs but want to display a bright impression. Besides reflecting the young spirit, the color yellow can also give a broad effect on a room.

warna cat dinding interior kuning

Yellow in color psychology can lead to energy, hope, happiness and joy, so that it gives an effect or an impression of being optimistic and dynamic person. The use of yellow in the interior is also very flexible, although there are some things to consider if you want to apply it in your home.

Color Placement in the Right Room

A more appropriate application for yellow can be in the living room, kitchen and dining room. The yellow color in the living room or family room can be more widely used and can be applied more dominantly, because it will give the impression of space in a limited space. Not only focus on the yellow color for wall paint but give a touch on the sofa, pillows, paintings and other decorations will make the room look fresh and cheerful.

Dekorasi ruang duduk

Sentuhan Warna Optimis

warna cat dinding dan dekorasi

Color Combination that Matches Yellow

Sentuhan Warna natural menyegarkan

Making yellow as the main color of the theme and residential design certainly can be done, but so as not to dazzle the view, we need other colors as a combination such as green, brown, black, white or other colors. The combination will give the natural impression of nature so that it appears calm and comfortable atmosphere.

warna dekorasi eye catching

Don’t Hesitate to Experiment

After deciding on the theme to be applied and preparing all the equipment such as paint, furniture and decoration, then you are ready to experiment having yellow occupancy either overall or in combination.

Paduan warna optimis dan segar

Dekor warna daun dan kuning

How, have you imagined putting yellow in the corner of your house? Have fun experimenting!

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